The Story of the Red and Black Shoes

November 8, 2021 (3y ago)

Red and Black Shoes :)

One morning, when I arrived at work, I noticed that one of my shoes was red with the other black.🤦‍♂️😅 let me tell the story of this photo.

I was working as a Product Owner, and one of the products I was in charge of was Türk Telekom Music, a music streaming app. Our marketing team came up with facelist idea, relaunch application with a new brand. Türk Telekom was organizing a series of open-air concerts and the new brand would be promoted in that concert series. It was definitely great opportunity, but we got the first shock when we learned 3 months deadline. When the new design arrived, we had the second shock. We're expecting minor changes, but instead, we saw a completely different application.

I don't remember exactly what we talked about at this stage, but what I remember was that we loved the new version and we wanted to do it. You can read the design story from here


Of course, it was not an easy decision, let me try to explain. In corporate companies, there are many different teams that work independently of each other. We could have failed due to problems that may have occurred during the process. in the first place, commutation would be the most important issue. We could start the project with excitement, but this motivation and focus could be lost due to the problems that would arise after a while. In order to avoid these problems, we established a transparent communication with all teams from the very beginning. We discussed and evaluated all the details and possible risks. Finally, we got the consent of all the teams

Anyway, we started working, but weekdays began to become insufficient. We started to work on the weekends, we started to extend the working hours and spend some nights in the office. During this busy period, I arrived at work with a different pair of shoes one morning :)

After a lot of hard effort, we were able to launch our Muud, with a spectacular concert series. A huge thank you to my manager for all his support and encouragement as well as to my amazing colleagues and Proarge; it was a great, enjoyable experience and would not be possible without them.

As a memory, I'd want to share some highlights from this journey. Finally, I'd like to underline that this story took place in an extreme situation. :)

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